Lingering Christmas Vibes

๐ŸŽถ Introducing "Never Before" by the talented Stefan Green! ๐ŸŽถ 

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you โ€“ the release of a brand new, soul-stirring song that is sure to resonate with the depth of your emotions. The song's narrative invites listeners into a contemplative space, encouraging them to embrace gratitude as a precious gift among friends and family. With each line, Stefan Green paints a vivid picture of chilling, cherishing the present moment, and finding joy in life's relaxed symphony. "Never Before" is a timeless ode to gratitude, resonating with the gentle beauty of life's journey.

โ€œNever Beforeโ€ by Stefan Green

This enchanting track, just released on the 22nd of December, beautifully captures the essence of life's celebration and gratitude. In the midst of the lingering Christmas vibes, "Never Before" echoes a melody of unity, family, and the simple pleasures that make life truly extraordinary.


2023 Release Recap!


Christmas Worship Music